Clare Dygert | Artist

Clare Dygert


Queens of Heaven by Clare Dygert

Praises to the Lady who holds the lotus
Clare Dygert
Praise to the Swift Heroine
Clare Dygert
Moon Praises
Clare Dygert
Shining Glory
Clare Dygert
The Birth of Compassion and Wisdom
Clare Dygert
Praise to the one whose eyes are an instant flash of lightning
Clare Dygert
Vasudhara Endless Stream of Jewels
Clare Dygert
Clare Dygert
Joyful Praise
Clare Dygert
Clare Dygert
Night Prorectress
Clare Dygert
Tiny Love Letter
Clare Dygert
Green Tara
Clare Dygert
Praises to Tara
Clare Dygert
Protection, part one
Clare Dygert
Protection, part two
Clare Dygert
Most Precious Life
Clare Dygert
Night Vision
Clare Dygert
The Savioress
Clare Dygert
Clare Dygert
Unending Praises
Clare Dygert
Mother of Mothers: Reflecting Pool
Clare Dygert
Compassionate Action
Clare Dygert
Song to 100 Full Moons
Clare Dygert
The Water-borne Face
Clare Dygert
Praise to the Action Mother
Clare Dygert
Praise to the One of Transendent Perfection
Clare Dygert
The Birth of Joyus Effort
Clare Dygert