CloudFolios /Miquela Presents


Saturday, January 7, 2023 from 4:00 PM to 7:00 PM

Open the CloudExhibit®

CHEERS 2022:  Celebrating artists who created pieces in the year 2022  

  • This Exhibiton is a FREE online CloudExhibit only
  • One night live, but accessible indefinitely on the website to share on social, or with friends and family.

Special Instructions

  • Artwork that was created in the year 2022 ONLY, please! We are celebrating the work our artists have created throughout the year!
  • The submission fee is $20, you can submit 1- 35 pieces 
  • ALL Mediums are welcome! Oil, Acrylic, Watercolor, Photography, Charcoal, Pastels, Chalk, Clay, Graphite Pencils, Ink & Pen, Scratch Board, Sculptures, mixed media (and more that I may be forgetting)
  • Artwork should be cropped into the picture submitted with nothing else in the background. Photographs with things around the art captured in the photo, such as clutter/random furniture, may not be accepted if they distract from the piece.
  • The pictures you submit are what will be shown in the online exhibit and are a reflection of both artist and the curator. 
  • This Exhibition is a FREE  online CloudExhibit only, and not in person.
  • We will be marketing the event but encourage our artists to share the CloudExhibit link with clients, friends, and on social media platforms to help bring more people to the online event. 
  • Artists are just as responsible for helping sell work as galleries and curators. The more we work together and help share events, the more successful we all will be
  • The show is one night live but accessible indefinitely on the website to share on social media or with friends and family after it ends (which is the best part of a Cloud Exhibit).
  • Live means the curator will be present to respond to activity and contacts from art buyers. 
  • No need to drop off art or worry about size because this is a CloudExhibit and only online. 
  • Art Sales will be processed by CloudFolios, Taking 10% of commissions. If pieces are sold, I will contact you directly, and you will be asked to get a shipping quote for the buyer to cover shipping, provide the date of when you will ship, and the shipping tracking number/receipt. 
  • If you do not want to sell a piece and want to showcase your work, please mark the piece at $0 in pricing, and it will say "not for sale." 
  • People can interact and comment/like pieces to give feedback as well. 
  • We encourage artists also to attend the online event and look through the show to support other artists in the exhibit :)


  • Miquela Gonzalez

Important Dates

Event Date: Saturday, January 7, 2023 @ 4:00 PM
Art Submissions Closed

Art Submission Status

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Tampa , FL 33556

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